Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Next littler of puppies from Bella Bullies

I have had several request to be on my waiting list for my next litter of puppies, so I thought I would update the blog. Patty just had her first heat cycle, she will be a year old in October and is maturing very nicely; so I will probably plan on breeding her on her next heat cycle. I anticipate that she will have puppies available late spring or early summer.

Patty is growing up to be a wonderful dog just like her mother! She has a great temperament like Bella; however is a bit sillier than Bella every thought about being......she is always playing around with McKenzie (my soon to be 3 year old).

McKenzie loves to dance and dress up and Patty is always right there in it with her......wearing a crown, a tutu, or a Disney princess dress. The one thing Kenzie hasn't taught Patty to do yet is wear high heels....I think K hasn't given up yet, but has chalked it up to a learning process! They are too funny!

I will let you all know when I have selected the stud dog for Patty's first litter and when she is bred.

I hope you all enjoyed your summer.....I have been waiting for Fall to arrive and college football starts this weekend, so it can't be too far away. Yeah! Go POKES!!!