Monday, February 28, 2011

Sping is on the way....and hopefully some new Bella Bullie Babies

Kenzie and I made our first trip to the vet today with Patty on our road to motherhood and I made the mistake of telling "The Puppy Princess" aka 3-year old, McKenzie, that we were going to the vet to help Patty gets some puppies; you'd better be prepared to explain the entire process and endure and endless line of questioning for the 20 minute drive home on why we didn't leave with any puppies. Because when you tell "The Puppy Princess", who happens to think that everyone grows up with a constant stream of puppies to play with, since her Memaw raises Pembroke Welsh Corgis and has three bitches and thus a pretty much endless stream of puppies to play with, that you are going to get puppies she expects puppies!

Kenzie was really good about the entire process and wanted to know when the puppies would be here and how are they going to get in Patty's belly, etc, etc........When it was our turn to go in the exam room she told me that she would lead Patty in to see the "Doctor" and she insisted on setting on the exam table to help hold Patty while they drew her blood.

Now that we have officially started the heat cycle I am going to have to make a decision about which stud dog use. I've been looking for several months and well now I am going to have to decided who is "the one"..........I'll let ya know when I've got it figured out.